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Saturday, March 12, 2011

How To Make Anybody Feel At Ease And Relaxed Within Minutes Of Meeting You And Feel As If You Are Th - By: George Hutton

Do you know what it's like to get a sudden feeling of connection with somebody soon after you meet them? Like there is some kind of invisible bond between the two of you, something connecting you? Even though you've only been speaking to this person for a short period of time, you feel like you've known them your whole life, and can tell them pretty much everything? That's a wonderful feeling, isn't it?

How would you like to be able to create that feeling in others within only a few minutes of meeting them? Maybe a client you may be interested in selling something to , or a person you were interested in getting to know a little bit better, or merely a stranger whom you wanted to share an open and genuine conversation with.

The reason some people seem so natural and easy to talk to, an some people just send out the wrong reasons is based on the idea of similarity. We humans have evolved to feel comfortable with something that we know. We like the familiar, and we feel nervous and anxious in unfamiliar territory. Maybe it helped us get back home to our caves in prehistoric times after a long days hunt, who knows. But things that are familiar are comfortable. Things that are strange and different, not so much.

What is the best way to create that feeling of safety and comfort in the people you speak with? How you get them to feel a sense of familiarity after only having spoken with you for just a few minutes? Easy. In NLP and Covert Hypnosis circles, this is widely referred to as "Rapport," and is very powerful. Creating rapport is much, much easier than you think.

The quickest way to create that feeling of connection is to simply match the body language of others. Sit how they are sitting, stand how they are standing. You can see this in action by going to a restaurant or cafe where people are sitting and chatting. People that look like mirror images of each other are in deep rapport, while others that are dissimilar, are not. This is one of the reasons some people with strong "intuition," usually females, can walk into a room and quickly see what's what.

Once you've matched the body language of the person you are speaking with, you can match their rate of speech. If they speak fast, you speak fast. If they speak slow, you speak slow. They will notice on an unconscious level that you are very similar to them, and will start to feel that feeling of comfort and openness. Can you imagine how you can use this for some kind of benefit in your future?


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